This year I was on the Festival of Trees team with the Mount Vernon Chamber of Commerce and Skagit Young Professionals. Our team was made up of mostly women, so the theme is decidedly girly. It was Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend from the old Marilyn Monroe movie. Our tree was part of the overall event which is a charity gala for the local cancer foundation where they auction off the trees we made. We gathered about $6000 of stuff donated as part of our tree. On Tuesday there was a Designer Appreciation Night and we were voted Designers’ Choice by all the other tree designers. I’ve uploaded a ton of photos to Flickr, most of which I have to get permission from people before I make public, but I do have some public photos to show.
There was also a Tiki tree there that I really liked and I took a few photos of it too.
Way to go Bill! Thanks for all the work that you put in with the team. Chamber of Commerce Board Member, Pete Vander Meulen