AJAX Extensions

AJAX is cool, AJAX is fun, I’m gonna go sit in the sun… somewhere warm…  lol…  I’m playing with AJAX Extensions in a new project. I’ve used them for a while, but this will be the first deployment after its release.

A post from Wendy at MSN.

LOL…  I just have to say this was quite an amusing post, and well to the point of trying to get people to send their errors/usage info to Microsoft. Unfortunately I do know a lot of people who are really scared of sending information about themselves, no matter...

XP Boot Pain

Well, after a repair install and replacing the driver files to no avail, we just backed up all the data and put Vista on that box. Now off to Alan’s LAN party…  hehehe

Windows XP RAID Boot Drivers

Ever had one of those days where you updated a RAID driver for your brand new D975XBX board and rebooted to find a nice blue screen waiting for you…?  Well, I did. Not on my machine, thank goodness, but on a dear friend of mine’s box. Gotta love it when...

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